Sunday 19 October 2008


Good moorning!

I'm Carmen and this is Bologna where I have lived for eight years.

Bologna is the chief province of the region of Emilia-Romagna in Italy.

Bologna is an university very ancient town and many student come here to study from every area of Italy.

The town has origins that they date back to again at a millennium before Christ.

Bologna was always an important old city centre also in the epoch of Romans.

Bologna is famous for her beautiful arcade("portici"is the original name)and also for Two Tow

Towers: the Tower of the Asinelli is high 97 meters and the Tower of Garisenda is high 48 meters.

Bologna is also rich of churches between the most important there are the church of "San Petronio and Santo Stefano.

I only illustrated a very little part of this wonderful city and I hope you like it.


James said...

Hi Carmen,

I was wondering, who was 'Emilia-Romagna'?


CJD said...

Good evening!
Emilia-Romagna is one of the 22 regions that there are in Italy.

See you tomorrow.