Friday, 7 November 2008


Hi everybody

Today, I'd like to write a little bit of questions. The purpose of this writing is to remember what I've only just read about questions. Sometimes I forgot what I read, so I decided to write it to remember it. And also I hope it will be beneficial to you.

I will try to take it is not going to take too long so that you will find it's interesting.

Let's take a sentence, for example " William ate a lof of chocolate". In this sentence, "William" is the subject and "a lot of chocolate" is the object.

1- When we want to make the subject question we do not need the auxilliary verb, for example : Who ate a lot of chocolate?. The answer is "William".

2- When we want to make the object question we need the auxilliary verb "did", for example : What did Willian eat?. The answer is " a lot of chocolate"

That's all.



Hitomi said...

Yes, i think this is beneficial for us!
Thanks :)

mohdshahran said...

Yes :)