Origin of Name The name of Seoul comes from the ancient word 'Seorabeol' or 'Seobeol', meaning "capital" Seoul belongs to the Temperate Zone featuring four distinctive seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the middle of summer, the city often records daily highs of over 30 degrees Celsius. In winter, Seoul is geographically influenced by the expansion of the Siberian high pressure and prevailing west wind with temperatures dropping lower than other regions on the same latitude. The rise and fall of the high-pressure system causes a typical cycle of three successive cold days followed by four warmer days, relieving people from freezing temperatures.
Korea is one of rapidly growth citiesin short time. A few ten years ago, Seoul had destroyed perfectly by korea war. However national initiated recomstructed. Now Seoul has a lot of skycraper and became energetic city. These development with rest place transformed. Up to now traditional royal place and structure make a composure impression on a people.
Thanks Mu Il,
Lots of interesting facts about Seoul.
How many people actually live and work in Seoul- do you know?
Seoul has a population of 10,297,004 as of the end of 2005. This accounts for about a quarter of the total national population.
Hi Mu Il.
So, Seoul has about the same population as London. However, England's total population is bigger- at about 60 million people.
Really many people live in England!
I can`t think about that England is crowded country.
Except downtown, street is quiet and people are calmness. I suppose that beatiful landscape take one share. There is no forest in Seoul.
I suppose that mayor of Seoul quite like asphalt.
What about london? Does Mayor of London likes asphart, too?
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