Friday, 31 October 2008
A Valuable Tip About Presentations

Sunday, 26 October 2008
'Welcome to Riyadh' (Corrected)

Saturday, 25 October 2008
Tagliatelle alla "Bolognese"

This is a dish of "Tagliatelle alla Bolognese".
This food is a speciality of bolognese's kitchen and it is very good.
When the visitors come to Bologna they taste always this food and finally they love this speciality
Now I show the ingredients:
- 600 grams of Tagliatelle
- 300 grams of ground's beef
- 100 grams of pork's bacon
- 50 grams of butter
- one carrot
- one onion
- one celery
- half spoon of pomato's sauce
- 50 grams of parmesan grate
- one broth's glass
- oil
- salt
- pepper
See you monday....
Thursday, 23 October 2008

Tuesday, 21 October 2008
A Meeting With Minister Of High Education Malaysia.

In 7 of November 2008, There will be a gathering of Malaysian community In Nottingham. This gathering is intended for Phd and Master candidates are studying at UK universities to hear Minister of High Education Malaysia speech..
This gathering is organized by Nottingham Malaysian Comminity. There is conversation between minister and candidates. Candidates are allowed to ask any questions about education, shcolarship, politic and so on so forth.
At the begining, I wanted to attend this meeting to accompany wy wife, but we cancelled it because I have a presentation on this date.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Good moorning!
I'm Carmen and this is Bologna where I have lived for eight years.
Bologna is the chief province of the region of Emilia-Romagna in Italy.
Bologna is an university very ancient town and many student come here to study from every area of Italy.
The town has origins that they date back to again at a millennium before Christ.
Bologna was always an important old city centre also in the epoch of Romans.
Bologna is famous for her beautiful arcade("portici"is the original name)and also for Two Tow
Towers: the Tower of the Asinelli is high 97 meters and the Tower of Garisenda is high 48 meters.
Bologna is also rich of churches between the most important there are the church of "San Petronio and Santo Stefano.
I only illustrated a very little part of this wonderful city and I hope you like it.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Malaysian Foods : Where Did it Come From ?

'Diversification' is the key word when we talk about the traditions of Malaysian food, because Malaysian foods are very culturally and ethnically diverse. In this discussion I would like to give a talk about it through multi-ethnic in Malaysia: Malay, Indian and China. We do start with the civilization of Malay food.
In terms of history, Malay are origin of Sumatra, Java, Thailand, Sulawesi and also Polinisia. With the influence of these countries, it is not hardly astonishing that Malaysian cuisine exhibites a lot of qualities from these countries.
If we go to the south of Malaysia, state of Johor where I was born, there are so many the village of Java and Bugis people who comes from Indonesia.
Now we travel to the State of Melaca to know about the historical development of the Chinese nation. The influence of Chinese has started to spread in the 15th century. It begans with a visit by Warlord Mr.Yin Ching and Chinese Cheng Ho.
To be continued....
My hometown

Hellow, I'm chiaki. I am from kanagawa in japan. There is below to tokyo.
Kanagawa has 2 distinct aspects, a historical one,and a modern one.
The first shougunate,military government, was formed in kamakura about 800 years ago. So there is a first capital of japan. If you go there, you can see many historicalstructures. For example, temple daibutsu,a huge statue of budha, and shrine...
The modern aspect of kanagawa is represented by yokohama. There is the second biggest city in japan. There has many great sites,such as china town, land mark tower(the tallest building in japan)and etc... Yokohama know harbor town which has developed rapidly since 1859, the year when yokohama opened it's port and has adopted for foreign cultures more readily than other towns.
My Home Work Dammam City

Dammam is the largest city in the Eastern Province; Dammam Port is one of the largest on the Persian Gulf. Its port for import-export traffic is second to Jeddah's port.
It is served by the new King Fahd International Airport, which is about 20 km to the west, served by a three-lane highway. Other cities that surround Dammam are Khobar, which is a thriving modern economic hub, and Dhahran, which is the headquarters for Saudi Aramco, the largest oil company in the world, and Qatif, the populated fishing and agricultural town.
Together (Dammam, Khobar & Dhahran) the cities have a population of around 2 million, of whom 750,000 live in the city of Dammam itself. The local sports stadium is Prince Mohamed bin Fahd Stadium.
The city is located in eastern Saudi Arabia, with 744,321 inhabitants (2004 estimate). It is the capital of the Eastern Province with 3.3 million inhabitants (2003 estimate). Dammam lies on tip of land stretching out into the Persian Gulf, forming a large metropolitan and industrial area, with about 1.2 million inhabitants, together with Khobar, Qatif and Dhahran. Dammam is a major seaport, involved in a wide variety of export and import. It is a center for petroleum and natural gas, but also the center of all commerce in the eastern parts of the kingdom. There is some agriculture, largely dealing with livestock and dairy products. Dhahran has excellent connections with other urban centers of Saudi Arabia by highways, and is also linked to Bahrain with a causeway. Dammam is also the terminus of the railroad to Riyadh. The King Fahd International Airport is shared by all the cities in the region. Dammam is a modern city, but has seen less investments and fewer projects than Khobar.
The cities of Dammam, Al Khobar and Dhahran
In the early 1980s Dammam, the capital of the Eastern Region, was a separate city but so close to Al Khobar and Dhahran that the traveler could pass from one to the other in a few minutes. Al Dammam was first inhabited by a clan (Al hassan) of Al Dawasir tribe in the early 1923 - 1342 H. part of the family led by Sheikh Ahmed ibn Adbullah ibn Hassan Al Dowsary migrated from Bahrain and was given the chance to choose a land where to settle by HRM the late King Abdulaziz. Al Dammam was immediately chosen for its vicinity to the island of Bahrain as the clan hoped to head back there soon, but the British rule in the region made it very hard for them to move in every sense (dividi et impera) so they finally realized they had to settle there for good. Years later, Sheikh Ahmed's brother moved south where he and his family settled in Al Khobar, which by that time was already inhabited. However this tiny episode gave to Khobar a population boost and close ties with the bigger city of Dammam. The origins of the name "Dammam" is controversial, some say that it is onomatopoeic and it was given to the area because of a drum positioned in a nearby keep, when sounded for the alarm it produced a melody called "damdamah", others say that the name was given according to the Arabic word "dawwama" (whirlpool) which indicated a nearby sea site that Dhows usually had to avoid. The weather of Dammam is particularly very hot in summers.It is also very humid in those days and the humidity ranges from 65-95%.However in winter the temperatures can drop to -4 degrees Celsius.
With the continuing expansion of all parts of the Kingdom, the three towns inevitably merged into one, creating a single municipality known as the Dammam Metropolitan Area. Each of the three towns which compose the Dammam Area retain their own character and some local administrative functions but, in terms of its place in the Kingdom, the Dammam Area forms a single administrative entity
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Word of The Day (1)
dither : to be unable to make a decision about doing something:
1- Stop dithering and choose which one you want!
2- She's still dithering over whether to accept the job she's just been offered.
My Hometown Kangwon-do

Outdoor activities come here, Wonju and then enjoy their spectacular mountain and valley hiking, swimming at beatiful white-sand beaches, white-water rafting, all of which are accessible by bus.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008
my home towen ( hye jung kwon)

andong is famous for it's cultual heritage and is considered as one of the clothes of south - korea that has produced many scholars.
in andong, there is a village called hahoe. hahoe village is town near by a river called nirdong .
my home towen is noted for tradition of retaing varieties of things from all of the world. the queen of england, queen elizabeth in south - korea visited andong 10 or 13 years. she attended a specially cultural event that was organized by government official and the local community. in south - korea government, has undertaken studied about traditional of retaing in the two older city. the government found the andong and the kyoenju city of south korea. after comparing two city kyoenju and andong. therefore andong was keeping the customs better than kyoenju.

therefore if you are visiting andong. I will be showing culture and traditional some things.
The Eastbourne 's Open House

In Eastbounre, I have a friend who lives there. His name is Zain, from Malaysia. His wife is studying at University of Brighton, branch Eastbounre as Master's candidate. He has two children, a older is girl and a younger is boy.
I having an open house in his house on this weekend. He welcomes all Malaysian to come in his house. He only keeps open house in morning. So I should come in the morning. The open house is held in order to celeberate a Muslim Holiday called Eid celebration after we were fasting during 29 or 30 days in month of ramadhan.
We need Italy's picture
I suggest you should put the Italy's picture that we can see the past and the present at the same time. In fact, I plan to visit Italy one day. I am very excited to see the pictures.
It's best to post not comment
I just wanted to say that it is best to 'post' your writing (and not click on 'comment'). This way, you will be able to publish pictures as well.
Have a good weekend.
My home town Seoul (Mu il Suh)

Origin of Name The name of Seoul comes from the ancient word 'Seorabeol' or 'Seobeol', meaning "capital" Seoul belongs to the Temperate Zone featuring four distinctive seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. In the middle of summer, the city often records daily highs of over 30 degrees Celsius. In winter, Seoul is geographically influenced by the expansion of the Siberian high pressure and prevailing west wind with temperatures dropping lower than other regions on the same latitude. The rise and fall of the high-pressure system causes a typical cycle of three successive cold days followed by four warmer days, relieving people from freezing temperatures.
Korea is one of rapidly growth citiesin short time. A few ten years ago, Seoul had destroyed perfectly by korea war. However national initiated recomstructed. Now Seoul has a lot of skycraper and became energetic city. These development with rest place transformed. Up to now traditional royal place and structure make a composure impression on a people.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
My Home Town (Hitomi)

Hi, I'm Hitomi from Japan. I'll introduce my home town.
The city where I was born is Tokyo, the capital of Japan, but I grew up in Osaka. So I'd like to talk about my home town, Osaka.
Osaka is located on the main island of Honshu, roughly in the center of Japan. It is common to devide Japan into the east part and west part. Then, the biggest city in the east part is Tokyo, that in west part is Osaka, which means Osaka is the second in Japan, in spite of being the second smallest prefecture by size. So the city centre is always crawling with people.
Talking of culture, Osaka is famous for 'Owarai' which means a culture of gag and comedy. This is why most people in Osaka are very frank and friendly. Many young people aim to be a famous comedian and enter a training company for comedian. In addition, there are also intresting food culture, so we can enjoy eating many local foods in Osaka. The most popular local food is called 'Takoyaki'(the picture below), made by flour and octopus. I recommend eating this one time. If you don't intend to visit Osaka, I'll make this for you.

Osaka is bound up with Kyoto and Nara, famous for Japanese traditional culture like temple, because they are located next to Osaka. Therefore if you want to visit Osaka, you should visit there at one time. I am willing to guide my hometown if you want to come!
My home town

Hi,I'm Martina!
I come frome Rome in Italy.I really love my city because it's a place in which you can see past and present at the same time.If you walk among the streets of the city centre you could see a stone that apparently is only a rock but that really is a piece of column dated from the roman imperior!In fact I think that neither all the people who lives in Rome,as me,know all the historical places in the city.
The other face of this aspect is that Rome is always full of tourists and there is always a lot of traffic because of this:especially at time as 8am or 6pm you can't go out of your home if you don't want to take 1 hour for 3km;and it's impossible take a bicycle because of the many slopes...Rome is building on seven hills!
I can't explain in these few lines all the characteristics,the monouments,the history of Rome...the only way to have an idea of what it is and of who its people is,it's to come there and see with your own eyes!So go and visit Rome!
My home town
Monday, 13 October 2008
My home town (Shahran)

Kluang's Railways station serves for coffee lover the best coffee. This restaurant is famous for the best coffee in Malaysia.
Friday, 10 October 2008
My home town